How to Win Virtual Pitches with Alex Price

How to Win Virtual Pitches with Alex Price

The global pandemic has forced a lot of businesses to change their processes and practices. One major drawback of not being able to meet in person is when we pitch new clients or customers, it has to be done digitally. That is a big change from being in the same room as you and your potential clients. Luckily Alex Price, owner of the 93digital WordPress agency, has some great tips for us.

Building and Evolving Profitable Project Plan with Jennifer Bourn

Building and Evolving Profitable Project Plan with Jennifer Bourn

Jennifer Bourn has been successfully running Profitable Project Plan, her training program for freelancers and small business owners, for several years. But it wasn’t something that instantly made her a ton or money, and it’s evolved over time. We’re getting back to basics here in 2021, so Jennifer and I talk about what you’ll learn in Profitable Project Plan, but we’ll also talk about how she built it, and how she evolved it to make it the perfect program for anyone who wants to build a better business.

2021: The Year of Opportunity

2021: The Year of Opportunity

One of my favorite things to do at the end of each year is plan my Yearly Theme. It’s becoming a bit of a tradition and I’ve even got my wife in on the action this year. I find it’s better to have a guiding set of principles than a number of promises I may or may not1complete. 2020 caused many people to change how they do things, and I was no different. that’s why for 2021, my yearly theme is going to be The Year of Opportunity.

Favorites of 2020

Favorites of 2020

It’s that time of year again! I round up my favorite media and tech picks of 2020 – but this year I’m doing it a little differently. Over on, I’ve written blog posts for the past several years, but I’ve never recorded my thoughts. So this year, along with a blog post, I decided to do a podcast episode too – this lets me ramble a little more and add some thoughts on 2021. I hope you enjoy!

Season 9 Recap

Season 9 Recap

Well 2020 was unlike any year I’ve lived through, and I’m sure it’s the same for you. When I decided to come up with a theme for Season 9, which started in July, we were a couple of months into the global pandemic. I wanted focus on topics that could help you (and me) grow at a time where we were traveling less, seeing less foot traffic, and had to change in some way to make ends meet. I settled on coming up with good content, and using that content to evolve memberships, and build communities. If you didn’t catch every episode, here are the highlights.

How I Wrote My Book

How I Wrote My Book

In September 2020, my 4th book published by a publisher (6th overall) came out. It’s called HTML and CSS: Visual QuickStart Guide and it’s a (very) beginner’s guide to learning HTML and CSS. The process was long and at times frustrating. I wanted to go through how I wrote it, from inception to hitting the shelved.